Ready to give your brain a much-needed boost?

You might be plesantly surprised to learn that don’t have to look any further than your fridge!

There’s no doubt about it: natural nootropics in food can help improve memory, focus, and overall brain health.

Incorporating them into your diet can help improve your cognitive performance, memory retention, and boost your mood.

We’ll tell you how, but before we do…

Check out the top 7 everyday foods that pack a powerful cognitive punch.

What are Natural Nootropics and How Do They Work?

Natural nootropics are gaining popularity because of their cognitive benefits.

But what exactly are they and how do they work?

Natural nootropics are substances found in food that enhance cognitive function, memory, creativity, and alertness. These substances work by increasing the production and release of chemicals in the brain that are responsible for cognitive functions such as acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin.

Natural nootropics in food include Omega-3 fatty acids, Caffeine, Choline-rich foods, Vitamin B Complex supplements, Turmeric (Curcumin), Ginkgo biloba extract and Ashwagandha root extract. What sets these apart are that each has unique cognitive benefits and can be found in everyday foods.

How easy is it to benefit starting today?

One important note before we go further: It is important to note that natural nootropics should not be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment. Instead they should only be used to complement your diet and improve your overall cognitive health.

The Top 7 Natural Nootropics Found in Everyday Foods

Natural nootropics can come in many different forms, and some of the best sources are actually found in everyday foods. From brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish like salmon to the stimulating effects of caffeine found in coffee and tea, these natural substances can help improve cognitive function and mental clarity.

Choline-rich foods like eggs and broccoli are also excellent for brain health as are vitamin B complex supplements. Turmeric, an antioxidant-rich spice often used in Indian cuisine, has also been shown to have beneficial effects on the brain, while ginkgo biloba and ashwagandha provide anti-inflammatory and stress-reducing benefits. Incorporating these natural nootropics into your everyday diet can help improve your mental focus and overall brain function.

Next time you’re looking for a boost in brain power, reach for some brain-boosting foods. Your mind will thank you!

#1: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that our bodies can’t produce naturally so we need to obtain them from our diet. They play a key role in brain function and help to keep our brain cells healthy. When it comes to natural nootropics in food, omega-3 fatty acids are at (or at least very bear) the top of the list.

The two most important types of omega-3s are EPA and DHA, which are found in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Plant sources of omega-3s like flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts contain another type of omega-3 called ALA which the body converts into EPA and DHA. Omega-3 fatty acids have been found to help protect against age-related cognitive decline, improve memory, and help to reduce symptoms of stress.

Including plenty of omega-3 rich foods in your diet can help to boost your brain power, improve mental clarity and enhance your overall cognitive function.

#2: Caffeine

If you’re hoping to get an energy boost, caffeine is a go-to for many people. But did you know that caffeine can also have nootropic effects?

Caffeine is a natural nootropic (maybe the most-used nootropic of all?) that can be found in many foods and beverages such as coffee, tea, and cacao. While caffeine is mostly known for its stimulating effects, it can also increase mental alertness and concentration, which is why we recommend that you use it along with your daily dose of Nooflow Absolute Mind.

One thing to remember though is that consuming too much caffeine can lead to negative side effects such as anxiety and insomnia. But when consumed in moderation, this natural nootropic can be a perfect pick-me-up for your brain. Next time you feel sluggish and need a pep of creativity, try reaching for a cup of coffee or tea to reap the nootropic benefits of caffeine.

#3: Choline-Rich Foods

When it comes to natural nootropics in food, choline-rich foods definitely make the list.

Choline is a nutrient that plays a vital role in brain function and development. Studies have shown that choline can improve memory and cognitive function, making it an excellent natural nootropic to add to your diet. Some choline-rich foods you can easily incorporate into your meals include eggs, lean meats like chicken and turkey, seafood, and certain vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.

Choline is more commonly found in animal-based products so vegetarians and vegans may need to consider a choline supplement. But don’t forget that it’s best to get your nutrients from natural sources rather than supplements when possible.

By adding choline-rich foods to your diet, you’ll be feeding your brain with one of the best natural nootropics out there.

#4: Vitamin B Complex Supplements

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Vitamin B Complex supplements are a great addition to anyone’s diet. The B vitamins are essential for brain function as they help to regulate the neurotransmitters responsible for mood, memory, and focus. They play a crucial role in turning food into energy, which means that people who consume B vitamins regularly tend to have higher energy levels. Because B vitamins are water-soluble, it’s easy to deplete them if you drink a lot of water or if you exercise often.

Now do you understand why it’s important to consume foods that are rich in B vitamins or take supplements?

One example of a natural nootropic that has a high concentration of vitamin B is nutritional yeast. This versatile ingredient can be added to smoothies, popcorn, or sprinkled on top of salads.

For individuals who are plant-based or vegan, vitamin B12 can be difficult to get from food alone which is why taking a supplement might be necessary for optimal brain function. Vitamin B Complex supplements can be a game-changer for anyone who wants to boost their brainpower with natural nootropics found in food or supplements.

#5: Turmeric (Curcumin)

Turmeric, or more specifically, curcumin, is a powerful natural nootropic found in everyday food.

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that gives it its vibrant yellow color and has been linked to various brain-boosting benefits. One study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that curcumin supplements can improve memory and attention in healthy adults. Not only does curcumin have cognitive-enhancing effects but it also has antioxidant and significant anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit overall brain health.

Incorporating turmeric into your diet is easy – you can add it to smoothies, soups, and curries for a flavorful and healthy boost. You probably already realize that turmeric is a staple spice in many Indian dishes and can be found in most grocery stores.

By including turmeric in your diet you can take advantage of its natural nootropic benefits and give your brain the boost it needs to perform at its best.

#6 :Ginkgo Biloba Extracts

Ginkgo Biloba extracts are popularly known for their ability to improve memory and cognitive performance.

This herb has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat various health issues.

Ginkgo Biloba extract contains active compounds that act as natural nootropics in food. The unique combination of terpenoids and flavonoids found in this herb enhances the blood flow to the brain, thus increasing oxygen and glucose uptake, which is vital for brain function.

Some studies have also shown that Ginkgo Biloba extracts have antioxidant properties which may combat oxidative stress and inflammation that can damage brain cells.

While more research is needed, Ginkgo Biloba extract is considered a safe and natural nootropic to improve brain health. You can consume this herb as a supplement (it’s in in Nooflow Absolute Mind!) or add it to your diet from natural sources like nuts, seeds, and leafy greens.

Incorporating Ginkgo Biloba extracts into your daily routine can boost your cognitive performance and go a long way toward your overall brain health.

#7 : Ashwagandha Root Extracts

Moving on to the seventh nootropic on our list, we have Ashwagandha root rxtract.

Known for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, this herb has been used as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments. But did you know that Ashwagandha can also help boost cognitive function and reduce stress levels?

Research has shown that the root extract has a calming effect on the brain, helping to balance out the cortisol levels in the body. This, in turn, allows for greater mental clarity and focus. Moreover, studies have also shown that nutritional supplements with Ashwagandha can help improve memory recall and reaction time, making it an ideal natural nootropic in food to add to your diet.

You’ll also be happy to know that it’s a major ingredient in Nooflow Absolute Mind!

Whether you choose to add it to your smoothies or take it as a supplement Ashwagandha root extract is a great way to boost your brain power while reducing stress levels and enhancing overall cognitive function. Give it a try and feed your brain with this all-natural nootropic!

Feed Your Brain with the Best Natural Nootropics!

Natural nootropics found in everyday foods are a great way to feed your brain and enhance cognitive function.

Omega-3 fatty acids, caffeine, choline-rich foods, vitamin B complex supplements like Nooflow Absolute Mind, turmeric (curcumin), Ginkgo biloba extract and ashwagandha root extract are all fantastic sources of natural nootropics. Incorporating these foods and supplements into your diet can help boost memory, improve focus, and increase productivity.

It’s important to remember that while these natural nootropics can have benefits, it’s crucial to prioritize a healthy and balanced diet overall. Eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods, staying hydrated and getting enough restorative sleep are also essential factors in maintaining a healthy brain and body.

Hopefully it’s now clear that natural nootropics found in everyday foods are a fantastic way to enhance cognitive function!

We hope you’ll consider trying some of the natural nootropics mentioned in this blog. With a little bit of effort you can unlock your brain’s full potential and achieve your goals effortlessly.

Stay tuned for more informative blog posts on natural nootropics and other exciting topics!


We’ll try to answer a few of the most common questions about natural nootropics in food.

What are natural nootropics?

Natural nootropics refer to a category of dietary supplements or substances that are known to improve cognitive function, mental clarity, memory, and focus. Unlike synthetic nootropics, natural nootropics are derived from natural sources such as plants, herbs, and minerals. These natural compounds have been used in traditional medicine for centuries to improve brain functionality without causing harmful side effects.

One of the common natural nootropics is caffeine, found in coffee, tea, and other beverages. Caffeine is known to increase alertness, concentration, and mental stamina.

Another popular natural nootropic is ginkgo biloba, is extracted from the ginkgo biloba tree. Ginkgo biloba is known to enhance memory and cognitive function.

Other natural nootropics include omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil, phosphatidylserine, bacopa monnieri, and rhodiola rosea. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for brain function and help to improve memory and cognition. Phosphatidylserine is a phospholipid found in the brain that helps to enhance cognitive function, while bacopa monnieri is a herb that has been used for centuries to improve cognitive function and reduce stress. Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen herb that helps to reduce fatigue, stress and negative thoughts.

Natural nootropics are safe and effective dietary supplements that help to improve brain function, memory, and cognition. They are derived from natural sources and have been used in traditional medicine for centuries without causing harmful side effects. Natural nootropics are a viable alternative to synthetic nootropics and can provide numerous cognitive benefits when taken in appropriate dosages.

What food gives the most brain power?

Certain foods can help improve brain power and cognitive function. One such food is fatty fish such as salmon, which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s have been shown to improve brain function, mood, and memory.

Another food that can boost brain power is blueberries, which are high in antioxidants that can protect the brain from oxidative stress. Some studies have also suggested that blueberries may improve learning and memory.

Nuts, particularly walnuts, can also enhance brain function according to some studies. They are a good source of vitamin E, which can protect the brain from oxidative stress, and also contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Dark chocolate is another food that can help increase brain power. It contains flavonoids, which can improve cognitive function. Just make sure you choose dark chocolate with a high cocoa content and consume it in moderation due to its high calorie and sugar content.

Also, green tea has been shown to enhance brain function and improve cognitive performance according to research. It contains caffeine and L-theanine, both of which can improve alertness and focus.

No doubt about it, a healthy diet that includes fatty fish, blueberries, nuts, dark chocolate, and green tea can help improve brain power and cognitive function.

Are eggs a nootropic?

Eggs are considered to be a highly nutritious food item that contains numerous essential nutrients, including protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients are known to provide various health benefits to the body, but many people wonder if they can also enhance cognitive function and serve as a nootropic.

Eggs contain choline, an essential nutrient that plays a critical role in brain development and function. It is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which plays a crucial role in memory and learning. Choline is known to boost cognitive function and improve memory but it is not classified as a nootropic on its own.

Adding eggs to your diet might not directly enhance your cognitive function the way traditional nootropics do but it can improve your overall health and well-being, which can indirectly enhance cognitive function.

Eggs are also a great source of protein and healthy fats, both of which are essential for maintaining brain health. In conclusion, while eggs are not classified as a traditional nootropic, they contain nutrients that can support brain health, moderate the rate of memory decline and indirectly enhance cognitive function.

By including eggs in your diet you can benefit from their nutritional value and potentially improve your overall cognitive performance!

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